Blue Skies

A play that encourages conversations around advance care planning, post-bereavement help and support, and other end-of-life issues.


The play opens with a short monologue by Julie who is facing the prospect of dying soon after the play opens - she has lung cancer which has spread. She has her son ‘Kyle’ and her father ‘Stuart’ and they are about to lose the apex of their family triangle.

Julie opens the play and addresses the audience:

“It’s the last thing you expect. There was I, revelling in the glory of being crowned the best overall sales associate with BMW in West Yorkshire. The commission had been rolling in and we’d been talking about moving into a bigger house where Kyle would have his own en-suite. Well, that would have been heaven for us at least! Then this bombshell. I knew smoking was harmful - I mean, for goodness sake, it’s printed on every box of fags but you can resist everything but temptation. It’s our Kyle I worry about. I know what it’s like - well I don’t know what it’s like for him...............”

The play then takes us through the different conversations - between mother and son, daughter and father and grandson and grandfather. There are surprise revelations but overall, the play stresses the value of advance care planning and the role of a hospice in end-of-life care and family relationships.  


What people said…

‘Amazing, and glad the cameras were off – very emotional’

‘That was fantastic, very emotional’

‘Really thought provoking. Thanks for sharing this production.’

‘Very well done, thank you’

‘That was amazing. Very well done. It normalised difficult conversations and included a slight bit of humour’

‘Well done, very relevant situations. Enjoyed it, it makes you laugh, cry and be inspired.’



This play is available for performances at any location
. It can be booked through Pluto Productions which is a registered charity and not for profit. We seek to cover the costs of the actors, their travel and subsistence, a royalty and overnight accommodation if required.

The cost is variable depending on the location and it is possible to book two performances in a single day.



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